Sunday, March 11, 2007

Everything has moved

There is really no reason for you to be here anymore. Nothing new will ever be put here.....ever.
You're just wasting your time, so update your damn bookmarks and RSS already. The blogger site has gone away. I bought a domain, I paid for hosting, and I want to make the most of it, so make sure you


Update your shit and never return here, lest ye be smote. Or something unpleasant like that.

Once again. The blogger site is no longer in service. It will eventually rot and fall apart from the inside, turning back into nutrients and providing sustenance for the trees. Until then, I expect you check out the new site. Check early and check often.

Once again, that number was:
operators are standing by.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Im moving

The website, that is.

I realize that its just a matter of days before this explodes in popularity and im getting thousands of readers a day. I reckon that I should move this to someplace a little more stable than blogger before that happens. That way I can get more control over my content, and do....well, anything I want. I should have everything set up within a week. All old posts will redirect to the new site (Which will be announced shortly). things will be bangin'. ANd I wont have "" hanging off the end of my domain like a tumor.

anyway. No new mindless garbage for you yet, but stay tuned - New post coming within 24 hours!

Ive also got new goodies coming for all y'all, like this Button, so you can advertise to the world just how much you love me.

Use the following code to implement it:... Actually, I cant show you the code to implement it because blogger is a taint. Actually, hold off on that until i get the new domain anyway.

And of course, a big welcome to mister Winsel!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Push To Talk is retarded

I was doing a job at a gas station the other day and I swear I've never seen so many people talking at their cell phones before. The incessant "BEEDLEBEEP" was obnoxious. Why do you people use that shit? I thought the whole idea behind Push to talk was that they will cut you some slack on your telephone costs in exchange for you:
  • giving up call privacy,
  • giving up some audio fidelity and
  • talking like a jackass into an upturned cell phone
but I looked at verizon's website and it appears that push to talk will set you back anywhere between $10 and $20 extra/month, and of course you can only PTT with other verizon subscribers.... and you can call them for free ANYWAY. So is there some magical convenience in using a half-duplex speakerphone that i'm just not seeing? It looks retarded and its far more annoying than just....y'know, calling people.

Furthermore, Because this communication is always half-duplex (one person talks at a time), not only are you able to communicate less information in the same time frame, you're going to use exactly HALF of the bandwidth that you would with a regular call of the same length, even more so when you consider the time spent waiting for a chirp in response. You're actually SAVING your provider money, and you're paying for the privilege. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? It doesn't look cool, It isn't convenient, and it certainly isn't saving you any money. PTT sucks. end of story.

Zune == Shit

For the zune to suck any more, it would legally have to be elected to congress.

I'll be the first to admit that the zune or its 'community' isn't nearly as annoying as apple and its feverishly rabid group of followers. But then again, the Zune community consists of 14 people.

What never ceases to amaze me is how Microsoft can do its damnedest to create a shitty product, but through sheer brute force, the product eventually takes hold. If Microsoft decides to throw enough money at a problem, they win. always. No matter how strongly you ipod fanboys choose think otherwise. MS took over the console arena in one generation. With a 75lb brick of a console. With a controller larger than my head. Yknow why they won? because they threw MONEY at the problem, made an ungodly powerful system and sold it at a loss, understanding that they would make NO money on this whatsoever. Now they're kicking sony's ass. I'm sure thats partly due to the fact that SONY SUCKS. but still. Microsoft wins. always.

anyway, back to me bitching about zune. The first time I saw one, it was the 'green and brown turd' model. I though it was absolutely hideous, but the more I stared at it, the more I realized that I needed one. It was Just beautiful. I'm being honest, there was some serious style there. Id even consider buying a zune just as soon as they hack it wide open and make it do the things it should've done out of the factory. Like fixing their '3 plays or 3 days' bug. Yes. Its a bug. Calling it anything less would be showing your customers just how little you care. oh. I'm almost sure that applying DRM to a copyrighted work without permission is illegal. Not that they would actually be charged because Washington has been sucking Microsoft's collective cock for so long that its jaw is surely going to fall off soon. Still, Its illegal to modify a copywritten work without permission if its for profit, and thats exactly what the Zune does when it applies DRM to mp3's you want send to other people. If we can get a class action lawsuit going, maybe they'll fix that shit.

I only bought an xbox after softmodding became a reality, and its been my favorite console, ever. The extra features are nice, the new dashboard is pretty, and XBMC is awesome. The fact that ive yet to buy a single game plays into it somehow also I'm sure. when softmodding a zune becomes a reality, I'm in. Until then, the zune is a decent piece of hardware hampered by shitty software.

Secondly, just what the fuck is a zune? It seems like we ran out of sensible names a long time ago, and now companies are just making up funny sounding words and trademarking them. ipod is another example, although I know what a pod is. How it applies to music is another question entirely. how about Skype? Where the fuck did that come from? sounds like a disease I don't want. And what the hell is the deal with the media and their penchant for eating bill gates' asshole? Every time MS comes up with some over priced under performing piece of garbage, the media is right there to beat that dead horse to death. Be it vista or the zune or xbox360 or what have you. Give that shit a rest. How about you asstards talk about something that microsoft or apple DIDN'T make. I know, its hard to find those things when your only source of technical information are press releases from redmond and apple, but for fucks sake. Take your heads out of your asses and you'll eventually find something. That or maybe you should just stop talking about things you don't understand. Remember the Aquateen thing? Just shut up. all of you.

The zune is garbage. Wireless music transfer is nice, but if its broken with this DRM nonsense, feel free eat shit and die. Everyone involved in the development of zune should be ashamed of themselves. If you know any of these people, kindly spit on them in public and ban them from the country club. thanks.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Fuck polar bears

I was reading some hippie bullshit the other day and I came across some bleeding heart garbage about 'saving the polar bears'. "OOOOh global warming is destroying the natural habitat of god's greatest creatures". Polar bears suck, can't you people see that? What the hell do they do for us? NOTHING because they live way the hell up in Antarctica or Canada or something. nobody really knows where they reside. If the polar bears are really in so much trouble of 'going extinct' why don't they just SWIM to the mainland and stop being stupid? furthermore, why cant these 'majestic, intelligent creatures' see that white is a stupid color for a bear. You should think about blue. That would look awesome.

Really, I wouldn't even have any problem with trying to save the polar bears' habitat, except for one simple thing: They lost all credibility when they sold their image to coca-cola. Why don't you premature rugs call up coke and see what they can do for you? Enjoy the soda, you furry bastards. I hope it was worth it.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Q) Whats better than paying for music?

A) A shotgun blast to the face!

So Apple has this Itunes music store, where they sell music to any idiot who will pay for it. This music is locked to this user's computer. Its illegal to try to re-sell this music. Its illegal to use this music on any device than the ipod. Now, I'm not singling apple out here, all music stores fuck you equally hard. But France has basically said "fix this crazy shit, or you wont be doing business in our country" I commend France for trying to prevent Apple from shitting all over their citizens. So some computer illiterate fuckheads in our government speak out and decide that they support apple in this matter. They believe that government intervention is unnecessary and that the free market will fix DRM and Collusion and other mind bogglingly anticompetitive practices. I wouldn't have a problem with this at all if free market rights were extended to everyone, not just the filthy fucking rich. Now hear me out. If the music industry is allowed to sell what amounts to nothing for $.99, AND they are allowed to lock these songs to their own proprietary player, Why shouldn't I be allowed to crack the encryption on these songs? Furthermore, why shouldn't we just repeal copyright law? If a kid down the street is offering you a copy of the latest hit album for free, It certainly cant be costing apple that much to reproduce, right? SO, everyone will just steal their music, yeah? and then these cartels will eventually disappear. Guess what you borderline retarded, hypocritical scumbags? thats how the fucking free market is supposed to work. If you cant compete, you wither and die. Consumers win. The "free market" is NOT just a euphemism for "state sponsored monopoly" YOU fucking backstabbing bastards, I hope you all die.

On a sidenote, Anyone who pays to download music is an idiot and a traitor. Every time you pay for music, you help the RIAA sue more people. You help to fund rootkits that sony has a penchant for. You help them pollute the radio spectrum with more corporate garbage. I'm not saying you have to "steal" music, just stop buying it. Is it really that hard to NOT do something? If you've got money that you just HAVE to spend, why not try crack? it'll clear that money problem right up, and then you wont be able to harm ME with YOUR purchases, asshole. If we all just stop this rampant consumerism, These bastards will all go away. Maybe not this year, but eventually. If you want to support the artists, Buy a hoodie. Or send them some heroin.

Speaking of Digital rights, There's an amendment to the the DMCA floating through congress now called the FAIR USE act. This would basically give back all of the fair use rights that the DMCA stole from us. Unfortunately, This bill has been submitted once a year for the past like 5 years and most of these assholes don't give it a second look. Thats right, your congresspeople will jump at the chance to give more of your money to corporate America, but when you ask for a (VERY REASONABLE) set of exclusions, these same dickmunches are nowhere to be found. No doubt they're too busy enjoying RIAA sponsored dinner parties.

Every politician in Washington is an ideal candidate for abortion. Once they get time travel working, you're all fucked.


Holy shit. I rock

So I was in class a week or so ago, Just trying to make it through this last semester without killing someone or something. I had just finished drawing this incredible mutated bird with crab's claws on my notebook when it occurred to me that a person's mental capacity is often inversely proportional to how much they show it.

You see, as I was finishing the feet and trying to figure out how to draw realistic feathers on that which I had now dubbed the 'monsterbird RAWRRR' , a mid-thirties prodigy decided to speak his mind. " that means that the weather has an effect on our environment?" to which the obviously deserving young lad was given a reply: "Thats right, Kirk. Did everyone else hear what Kirkham just said?" This substantial dose of encouragement was apparently just the thing he needed to wipe away the clouds of doubt and instill vast knowledge in his little mind. Why, the rest of the hour he was nodding right along with EVERYTHING the professor had to say, and occasionally looking around to the rest of us with his to see if we, like him, felt compelled to show to the entire class our degree of understanding with that perpetual bobbing of the head. Bobble head dolls are fun, this jackass was not. Probably due in part to the fact that his cranial movements were not initiated by me flicking his skull......hmm.

Now, i know alot of you are thinking "Well Jay, you were just drawing a bird"
WRONG! It was 'monsterbird rawrrr' and I would say that even though I was ostensibly scribbling nonsense, I was also doing several other things. A) I was monitoring the professor's every word to see if he had anything important to say. If and when something that I didn't already know was uttered, I would've snapped my head up and listened with full intent to learn. B) I stole this pen from a salesman at best buy and its awesome. It writes like liquid sex. I was testing out its drawing abilities. Knowledge is power. and C) I was trying to keep as low a profile as possible. If I show them that I care, then these 'professor' types get the idea that they can just chat me up and call on me in class and otherwise test out the theory that I like being put on the spot. Hint: I don't.

No. Kirkham is not his real name. Who the hell names their kid kirkham? Is that even a real name?

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Radar detectors

UPDATE: It turns out DIGG is sensationalist garbage and these asshats wouldn't know the difference between state and federal if it bit them on the cock. Needless to say, this is a proposed state law, not federal.

Well hell. While were banning trans fats and light bulbs and everything else, lets ban radar detectors. atleast thats the plan of one Floridian senator (Republican, naturally). This wouldn't bother me so much if it were a state law. Unfortunately, this would enforce a federal ban on the detectors, making them illegal to use ANYWHERE in the united states.

*Takes soapbox*

"AHEM"......What the hell are you motherfuckers smoking?! What the fuck are you republicans supposed to stand for? You purport to stand for small government and personal responsibility, but as of late your mantra has been "God hates queers" and "...or the terrorists win" Let me be the first to extend the olive branch of hostility in the form of a hearty "Shove it up your ass" I'll decide what's in my best interests. Id like to see how you bastards plan to keep this ban from being ruled unconstitutional. Let me guess - TAX STAMPS! I cant see this falling under interstate commerce, so unless you plan on amending the US constitution, I cant see this being worth shit. I suppose you could reduce highway funding for states that refuse to ban them, the same way you god forsaken babyrapers enforced a national speed limit and and 21 as the legal age to buy alcohol.

These sick worthless assbaggers in office prattle on about how they're going to create a safer world for all of us because, of course, possession of a hunk of plastic and silicon and LEDs indicates criminal intent. Perhaps radar detectors are so pervasive not because all people are dirty speeders, but because people are just tired of being 'Surprised' by some jackass with a badge and getting completely and utterly fucked over by the state? (no. of course not)

Furthermore, speeding tickets and speed traps aren't for your safety to begin with. Image if you will a world where everyone drives the speed limit. If you think for a second that the state will just leave well enough alone, and give up your yummy yummy tax dollars, you've got way too much faith in the system. These puss-spewing swollen genital warts of people will come up with yet another ridiculous source of revenue at the expense of personal liberties under the guise of 'SAFTEY' and most of you will just eat it up. Congratulations, you've helped destroy America. I'd offer you a cookie but you might choke, and we cant have you risking your own safety. Just be secure in the thought that every asshole in this country with an IQ lower than 25 thanks you.

.....Fucking tards.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Let me preface this by saying that I have a tendency to get bored and do things 'just for the hell of it'. This is one of those things. Let me also say that most of the things I start, I never finish. Fortunately, this was not one of them.

So I was sitting in my room with some friends strumming on my guitar and I realized just how cool everything looked under a blacklight (I wasn't high...... Honest). I was thinking it would be cool to have some UV art on my wall, so I painted this awesome 32" square, glow in the dark, UV reactive 1up mushroom on my wall.

I started by finding a suitable image to paint. I settled on a sprite of a 1up mushroom I found on Google image search or something. I blew it up with MSPAINT and I printed out. I Stuck it on my wall, and started drawing a 16x16 grid. It took time. and patience. and pencil.

Then I started filling in the pixels. I started freehand:

and then I realized that painting a giant mushroom freehand was stupid. So I found my good friend painters tape and I was like "Hey dog. wanna paint some stuff?" and painters tape was like "hells yeah". so I stuck him on the wall and slathered him with paint. and it was good.

After quite a few coats, the colors started looking pretty uniform:

And then one day it was finished. It looks great under a blacklight or even in the dark after it has absorbed a good deal of light. Unfortunately, the images taken with my camera phone of the painting in the dark do not do it justice. I have omitted them.

The paint was $.90 per 2oz tube. I ended up buying 5 of them ($4.50) and I also bought some paint brushes. (like $2.00)

So the total cost was like..... $6.50. and its awesome.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Boycott the RIAA for a month?

Gizmodo is declaring the month of march "boycott RIAA month". WOOO!

The whole idea behind the boycott is that if you stop being fucking worthless consumers for a month, things will miraculously get better. This is, of course, a logical fallacy. How about instead of practically fellating yourselves because you were able to stave off this incessant consumerism for 30 days, you just do what you feel is right, all the time. First and foremost, you need to realize that if you drop their profits for one month, things wont change. I take offense with the idea that these people are even in business. Even if they 'change' and see the folly of their ways and remove DRM and pay artists fairly and stop suing people...well, guess what? Nothing has changed in my mind. they were bastards then, they're bastards now. There is nothing they could do to get a single god damn dime from me.

The idea that you need to set a timeline for yourselves gives me the impression that this boycott is somehow difficult for you. And if it truly is that difficult for you to kick the RIAA habit indefinitely, then maybe you aren't in the right mindset to boycott them in the first place. Perhaps you dislike them because its the 'cool' thing to do, rather than having any ideas or thoughts of your own.

I'll tell you what though, my ideas on intellectual property have changed significantly over the years. I can now appreciate the fact that hard work goes into an artistic piece, and perhaps an artist needs to be compensated for that work. Ive got every intention to buy 2 of my 3 favorite Coheed CDs (good Apollo was released under an RIAA label, so i wont be buying that one). Either that or buy a hoodie. Either way, a good chunk of money is going to go to an artist that I believe in, and I feel good about that. But you can also bet your ass that had I not "stolen" this music in the first place, I wouldn't have given it a second look. Buying a CD based on one radio ready track is stupid. The music they play on the radio is usually the weakest, shallowest, least artistic example of poppy bullshit they can come up with. I wouldn't say that "the suffering" is representative of the majority of Good Apollo, and if it was, the CD probably wouldn't have the addictive qualities that it does.

I guess what im trying to say is that boycotting them for any length of time is a step in the right direction. Im glad people are finally doing something. But don't expect anything to change either. If after march, you feel the need to resume this rampant consumerism then you are most certainly part of the problem, and your participation in this boycott was little more than a symbolic gesture of the "me too!" variety.

A nice link to check out is RIAARadar dot com Its a cool little website that lets you throw in an artist name and it'll tell you which of their CDs are labeled under the RIAA.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Light bulbs: The saga continues

Well, It looks like I wont have to bother baning light bulbs because people are actually doing it. On a side note, what the hell is wrong with Australia? How could a nation founded by criminals think that criminalizing the light bulb is a good idea? I was reading an article about it on treehugger, and thats when I realized that these environmentalist types are just batshit loony. If the other alternative is a totalitarian state, then I consider climate change a bargain. Bring it on. Its too fucking cold here anyway. Heres a quote from the end of the TH article:

Now, what was the second objection? First, let’s put it in perspective. We’re talking about technology that can cut household electricity bills by 60% and greenhouse gas emissions by 1.3 tonnes (and acid rain-causing compounds by 92 kg). That’s the equivalent of taking 4.3 cars off the road—per household. In other words, we’re talking about something pretty promising. And what is the downside? Some CFLs don’t work well with dimmer switches!

I’m sorry, but that is no objection at all. We’ve got a planet to save. Working out the caprices of our mood-lighting shouldn’t be a real problem

A) Its not your responsibility to cut my household electricity bills. Period. I appreciate the actually I don't. You're a meddling, creepy fascist sympathizer. Ingest some bleach.

2) Greenhouse gases don't even necessarily apply here. What if I'm using solar panels and I want to power my lava lamp? Which leads me to point three:

#) I have no problem doing what I feel is right in any scenario, But when government intervenes and tries to coerce me to do what I would've done in the first place, I rethink my original plan. Be it with seat belts or lighting technology, I know that if I comply theres just going to some smug motherfucker in office with a nice big shit eating grin on his face thinking to himself "I've saved lives/the environment" And that really, really bothers me.

4) Dont be so quick to dismiss dimmer switches as a vain, aesthetic thing. My dimmer switch is the ONLY reason that the 6 incandescents in my room haven't been replaced yet. Its not that I dim my lights. In fact, I NEVER do. The problem is that Ive already got a dimmer switch and I don't care to replace that. Nor do I care to Pay extra for 'dimable' CFL's. I could install CFL's right now in all my sockets but what happens when some fuckwatt comes and plays with my dimmer dial and all the ballasts decide to die? Fuck all that, I'll stick with incandescents for now.

People need to also think about the economics of the issue. If we all put our minds to it, I bet we can figure something out. Who could possibly benefit from every person replacing all of their bulbs at once....hmmm.... I wont point any fingers, but lets just say that it might not be a bad idea to invest in GE.

I never thought Id say it, But shut the fuck up and leave me the hell alone you god damn hippies.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Could a virus save us?

Could a computer virus save whats left of our free society?

no....probably not. But a computer virus could be a hefty wrench in the proverbial gears of this onslaught of corporate funded and government backed legislation that is currently destroying the technology field.

The current implementation of intellectual property law caters exclusively to the rich. Fair use and public domain have been essentially written out of the picture with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other such legislation. My solution for copyright infringement lawsuits and other fun technology problems is simple:
An open source, cross-platform, self-replicating computer virus. This virus would have one purpose and one purpose only: to download a random file from a random P2p net. Everyone with the virus now has plausible deniablilty. The entire P2p lawsuit game would end overnight, atleast until the **AA could buy some new legislation.

Some criteria would need to be met for this to work:

  • The virus needs to be self-replicating - If the user has to download the virus then plausible deniability is alot harder to argue. The user has to look like the victim (and rightfully so)
  • The virus should cause no damage to the users file system, and should systematically figure out the best time to steal a file as to not impede the users current operations :).
  • Cross platform. C'mon - gotta let the Linux and mac guys in on the fun as well
  • The virus cannot keep logs of its operations, in case the RI/MPAA's decide to play hardball and look at the systems on a case by case basis. In other words, there should be no way to differentiate between files downloaded by the user and files downloaded by the virus
  • The virus will need to upload, atleast once, everything it downloads. this sounds scary, but bear in mind if the virus only downloads, the it is worthless. (RI/MPAA's don't go after leachers, they go after people who upload. this is about muddying the waters)

The scary thing is that if the plausible deniability angle works, I think we're going to see a federal law against "knowingly operating a computer with a virus". But that should be expected - Those in power don't care about you unless your name ends in "Inc."

As i don't believe in copyright law, I shall practice what i preach and release the above work in the public domain. Do what you want with it, I don't care.

The above was a work of fiction, for educational and entertainment purposes only. It was not intended to influence the actions of another human being. I take no responsibility for anything anyone does with it...ever. In fact, I made it all up. I don't even understand computers or the internet, although Ted Stevens did help clear some things up for me (Tubes and trucks, Imagine that). I think that Microsoft invented the computer. I think the internet and the World Wide Web are synonymous. I think that legally downloading music is awesome. I support the war on drugs, the war on terror, illegal wiretaps and the entire Neocon agenda. Praise Jesus.

Fuck china

China is one fucked up country. Sometimes I think we should've invaded them instead of Iraq.

To the apparently weak and powerless Chinese citizens: You outnumber your overlords by many orders of magnitude. Rise up and chop some heads already. You deserve whatever you bring upon yourselves.

Electroshock therapy for China's "Internet addicts"

The Chinese government is imprisoning and giving electric shocks to people it thinks have become addicted to the Internet. Alarmed by a survey that found that nearly 14 percent of teens in China are vulnerable to becoming addicted to the Internet, the Chinese government has launched a nationwide campaign to stamp out what the Communist Youth League calls "a grave social problem" that threatens the nation.


Led by Tao Ran, a military researcher who built his career by treating heroin addicts, the clinic uses a tough-love approach that includes counseling, military discipline, drugs, hypnosis and mild electric shocks.

Tao said the clinic is based on the idea that there are many similarities between his current patients and those he had in the past.

In terms of withdrawal: "If you let someone go online and then he can't go online, you may see a physical reaction, just like someone coming off drugs." And in terms of resistance: "Today you go half an hour, and the next day you need 45 minutes. It's like starting with drinking one glass and then needing half a bottle to feel the same way."

Are you fucking shitting me? Jesus Christ. Someone needs to off this "Tao" guy ASAP because hes a threat to all of you. I know you chineses cant read americanese, and even if you could Google is probably blocking this. Still. For fucks sake. Remember tiananmen square? It was less than 20 years ago. Has communism beaten the pulse out of you? Steal a tank, buy some arms and liberate yourselves already. Nobody is going to do it for you.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fuck the drug war

And fuck every single last one of you supporters. You all fail at America.

The members of the supreme court who voted on the side of the feds in the Gonzales v. Raich decision should take a long hard look at their lives and deeply ponder what benefit, if any, they bring to the American people. If there were a merciful GOD up there, these bastards would have everything from glaucoma to AIDS. Then they could swallow pill after pill after pill as they slowly waste away and die, like dogs. like the pitiful scum they are.

This ruling was about Medical Marijuana. More importantly It was about states rights, and whats left of our constitution, tattered and spat upon, trampled underfoot of a thousand jackbooted fucking feds, marching to the beat of large pharma and corporate profits.

The defendant, Angel Raich, argued that the federal Controlled Substance Act was in violation of the Interstate Commerce clause of the constitution. Of course it is. Any person with even a rudimentary understanding of the bill of rights can see that. Unfortunately, 6 justices on the supreme court could not.

The ruling basically said that even though 11 states have made it legal for a doctor to prescribe marijuana for a sick patient, the feds cans still come in and raid dispensaries (legitimate, state regulated medical marijuana sources often run by volunteers) and arrest sick and dying people.

Now, I know some of you are thinking - "so what, Its just those damn potheads looking for a loophole." You people are, of course, Idiots. If you were to put your fucked up preconceived notions aside for a minute, you might be able to see that this is not about pot. Its not about Potheads, its not about the counterculture you fucking fascists love to hate. Now that the supreme court has ruled in favor of the feds, Its about states rights.

Unfortunately, most people dont get the whole "constitution" thing. They teach that shit in school for a reason. If you dont know your rights, how will you know when theyve been violated?

How could the federal government possibly claim jurisdiction over a state, if the power they are taking was not given to them in the constitution? The supreme court ruled that intrastate medican marijuana programs are interstate commerce. Now, it doesnt take a high-school graduate to see that medical marijuana is neither interstate, nor is it often commercial. Therefore, its not interstate commerce. There is no possible fucking way it could ever be even remotely considered interstate, because these are STATE LAWS. THEY DONT APPLY TO OTHER STATES. One state's Medpot card will NOT WORK IN ANOTHER STATE. therefore, it is Intrastate. There is no intrastate commerce clause. The people who ruled this way are in no position to be justices of the highest court in the land.

Perhaps you can all see now why I say the tenth amendment has been ruled null and void. Perhaps you're even pissed off, and ready to break shit. No? Yeah, maybe we should wait until the bill of rights is down to 8 amendments.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"SONY" is japanese for "Garbage"

What the fuck is sony good for anyway?
Are their products really worth anything anymore?
Everything from sony is an overpriced, under performing, DRM crippled piece of cow shit.
They've been skating by on name alone for far too long, and they seem oblivious as to the magnitude of their worthlessness. Like the ugly fat chick with a huge ego who wears a tube top and skin tight bicycle shorts and constantly spouts off about how "you couldn't handle this" - Damn right. I dont even want to attempt....handling......that......*shudder* Go fall down a fucking hole.

Worse yet is the idiot consumer who seems to constantly forget that sony is worthless. Is it really that hard to get over sony? Find another company that doesn't completely blow. I don't know.... how about apple or panasonic or samsung or (ugh) Microsoft or Nintendo or.....y'know, just about any other company under the fucking sun? Hell, Buy something from tiger direct. I know, I know. they aren't an electronics company, but im using them as a point of reference - They probably suck less than sony.

God Damnit sony, get off my fucking lawn! You look like shit. You smell like shit and for fucks sake, cover your shame. you're scaring the children.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Fuck the founding fathers

The founding fathers were douchebags. They cared little about freeing Americans from tyranny, they only cared about removing British tyranny and installing their own brand. Fucking sick bastards did a whole bunch of fucking nothing for us. These "great Americans" we hear so fucking much about were just egomaniacal power hungry assholes, filling simple peoples' minds with garbage about 'freedom', and they ate it up. Risked life and limb to put the likes of Alexander Hamilton and George Washington into office. and what do these worthless sick fucks do with their newfound power? at the first sign of discourse, they bring the full might of federalism down upon the heads of the disillusioned and wage a small scale civil war against those that put them into power. Land of the free indeed. The majority of the founding fathers deserve little more than perpetual hatred. the idea that Hamilton and Washington adorn the ten and one, respectively has led me to stop using paper money. I buy and sell in cocaine and weapons now.

I am comforted by the thought that none of them exist in my bloodline.

merry fucking presidents day.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Light bulbs

Yes. Im going to get light bulbs banned and I'm going to use my favorite national travesty to accomplish this - the war on drugs.

Now hear me out. This nation has a problem with amphetamine usage, specifically methamphetamine. We obviously need to keep this dangerous substance out of the hands of children. and of course, we need to keep meth paraphernalia out of the hands of children as well. You may be shocked to find out that you probably have several meth pipes laying about your house RIGHT NOW. maybe several in the same room as you. One of the most common way to smoke meth is out of a light bulb. Thats right. a common ordinary light bulb.

Im proposing that we restrict the sale of light bulbs to people over 18, the same way we do with pipe cleaners and PVC glue and spray paint. I also propose that if a minor is in posession of a light bulb that he or she can have their person and or vehicle searched, as well as be subjected to a mandatory blood test to check for the existence of amphetamines.

I'll be fleshing out this proposal and submitting it to my senator. I'll post any and all replies I get from him.

This post continued HERE

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I love this country

and of course by "love" i mean "pray for"

For as long as I can remember, our government has been working as hard as they possibly can to restrict our dwindling freedoms and otherwise ban....well, just about anything that doesnt directly support corporate profits.

They decided it would be fun to ban alcohol in the 30's, but thank god americans back then still had a fucking spine. Then came the war on drugs. YAY! we're gonna go fight those.....drugs... yeah. and we can see how well billions of dollars a year over 70 years has done. And then we've got bans on smoking and trans fats and proposed legislation to ban spinning rims and seatbelt laws (because a dead person doesn't make any money for the state) and we've got the PATRIOT act and electronic voting machines and asset forfeiture and eminent domain and the FCC deciding what is or isn't free speech and the supreme court ruling the 10th amendment null and void and this nation has more or less gone straight to hell. Id say 'this is getting absurd' but its way past that now.

So i had an idea. Im going to try and find the most benign item i can, and im going to write a proposal to have it banned. I will submit it to my senator and see just how far I can push this through. It seems they'll ban just about anything if its 'for the children'.